Dale McCoy Cancer Fund
Greetings from NCFWB Home Missions.
Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support of the works in our State. As many of our supporters are aware, Brother Dale McCoy, Pastor of Glad Tidings FWB Church has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Kidney Cancer. He has been undergoing Immunotherapy treatments and we ask for special prayers on behalf of Brother Dale and his dear wife Julie. To help them with the out of the pocket cost of this treatment, the Home Missions Board has established the “Dale McCoy Cancer Fund” and we are asking that you prayerfully consider contributing to it. Please make sure that you include the fund name on your check or with an attached note to assure it will be credited to the proper fund.
All contributions should be sent to NC State Home Mission Board, P.O. Box 34, Davis, NC 28524.
The NCFWB Home Missions board has and will always continue to support our missionaries in every aspect of their lives and we feel strongly about this opportunity to care for one of our men.
Thank you again for all you do for NCFWB Home Missions.
David Robinson (Chairman), Jimmy Mercer, Brian Bird, Chuck Overcash, and Cliff Donoho.